Texting my resolution!

The world has changed, heaps and bounds, lots of factors have contributed to the change some for No phonegood and some not so good. Not to mention, the advent of technology has revolutionised the world. What a clichéd statement this is!

Of all the inventions, the one that I am appalled (read unhappy) by the most is, the mobile phone. What a change it has brought about!

The world is in our hands now. Sometimes in silent, sometimes vibrating or sometimes vibrating while ringing.

Well, candle lit dinners have come to become mobile lit dinners, at least one of the two at a dinner date is fiddling with their phone.

Bed lights have been replaced by mobile phone lights. Yes! Slipping into slumber while texting, talking or watching a video has become a way of life.

We wake up to the call of the mobile phone alarm – I don’t know if I can risk this. I am bound to get late to office if the alarm on my phone is not set.

We depend on our phones to be updated with the world.

The conventional love letters which were sometimes scented, colourful and accompanied by gifts have been successfully replaced by Texts and FB statuses.

We go to places that are worthy of ‘checking in’ on social media, so our friends would feel like “Oh My! Wow! Even she has been here and I still haven’t visited this place.”

Birthdays are synonymous to phone days. Phone parties replaced actual physical parties that used to be so much fun. Either your phone rings, you get a text/whatsapp/Viber calls/Skype/ Tango/Hangout/we chat/hjsgfhgasf/ieutueyytr/87jdgk or you receive FB notifications. Not only that, we also get offended when someone types HBD instead of a full Happy Birthday.

Arghhh and this, I hate the most. When my flow of conversation is broken by the ring of a phone, either mine or the one I am talking to. And after the “I am so sorry, I had to take this call” either I forget what I was talking about or don’t find any importance in continuing it from where it had stopped.

Why?? Why are we getting enslaved by a phone? A gadget that was created with the idea of making communication easier has become the only mode of communication for humans now. No doubt that a phone is a useful device but haven’t we reached a stage of abuse now? Have we forgotten that phones are also equipped with a switch off button?

A phone call has been chosen over a discussion with me. A video has been chosen over a conversation. A movie has been chosen over a lazy(read happy) day at home. Listening to music has been chosen over observing the world around you. You can forget your close circle’s birthdays, but not your cell phone back at home when you go out.

Sometimes, death has been chosen over life. Texting/ talking over the phone while driving. Not everybody has got a second chance.

I am sure, in my ignorance, I have done the same with others.

I am a victim. I am around many more victims. We all need to recover from this epidemic.

I don’t usually make resolutions, but this one, I must make. I am going to be a judicious mobile phone user in 2015. I am texting myself this resolution so that I remember.

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